Friday, September 12, 2008

Tagged by Tina

Tina my sis-in-law tagged me. Six things about me people might not know.

Here it goes:

1. I love watching Phoenix Suns play-it's the only team I really follow!

2. My mouth moves faster than my brain- hence the reason I carpool with 7 different kids, coach Paiges soccer team, volunteer on 3 different PTA boards-you get the idea.

3. I'm too the point in my life as a mom that my kids are rolling their eyes at me whenever I suggest anything they don't like. I so remember doing that to my mom!

4. I'm lousy at responding to emails, phone calls, etc in a timely manner- I started this tag 3 days ago!

5. I love it when Long cooks dinner-it's rare, but always a treat.

6. I always bite my nails-it's a bad habit I've had as long as I can remember!

Now it's your turn. Link back to by blog when you've posted your 6 things.


Karolee said...

You STILL bite your fingernails?! Too funny! ;) Love your list...

Tina Nguyen said...

Thanks for playing along, I learned a few new things about you.