Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wishful Thinking

Can I have a hamster?


This was an actual email from Cade to me. How sweet is that?
Too bad he is allergic to them!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

First day of school

First day of school- They all look so happy.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Tagged by Tina

Tina my sis-in-law tagged me. Six things about me people might not know.

Here it goes:

1. I love watching Phoenix Suns play-it's the only team I really follow!

2. My mouth moves faster than my brain- hence the reason I carpool with 7 different kids, coach Paiges soccer team, volunteer on 3 different PTA boards-you get the idea.

3. I'm too the point in my life as a mom that my kids are rolling their eyes at me whenever I suggest anything they don't like. I so remember doing that to my mom!

4. I'm lousy at responding to emails, phone calls, etc in a timely manner- I started this tag 3 days ago!

5. I love it when Long cooks dinner-it's rare, but always a treat.

6. I always bite my nails-it's a bad habit I've had as long as I can remember!

Now it's your turn. Link back to by blog when you've posted your 6 things.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Alec's Trip

As most of you know Alec went to Greece and Italy this summer. Here are a few of our favorite pictures. He came home with over 900 pics!

Tossing a coin Trevi Fountain-Rome

Smart cars were everywhere in Italy and Greece

Alec as a Roman Gladiator!

An arch in Rome

At the Coliseum-Rome, Italy

Pompeii victim- Italy

Alec made his own Italian pizza!

A Greek Ruin

Alec at an ancient theatre

Alec at the Parthenon

A view of the Parthenon from a hill

Thanks to all of you who helped Alec get to go on the awesome trip!

Oh The Pressure!

I finally got sick of Karolee bugging me about my ugly, 90's looking blog so I hope you all like the new updated look. I will even add some updated pictures from our trip to Oregon! Wow! Can you believe it?!

Oregon was beautiful and we would love to go back again sometime! I have a lot more pictures so I might even blog again soon!

Hope you are all having a great summer too!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

First Post, finally!

I'm officially starting our family blog. Don't expect too much-this is new and I'm very inexperienced! I'll try to add a picture and see where it goes. Thanks for bearing with me while I get this started.